David McKenzie’s Walls

Survex 1.4.9 and later can read Walls unprocessed survey data (.SRV and .WPJ files). Walls is no longer being developed, so the focus of support for Walls formats is primarily to help people with existing Walls data to migrate.

We’ve mostly implemented this support based on Walls documentation, but unfortunately the documentation of the SRV format is sometimes incomplete or incorrect, while the WPJ format seems to be largely undocumented. Sadly David is no longer around to ask, but we can at least test actual behaviour of Walls32.exe on example data.

As of 1.4.10, some large Walls datasets can be successfully processed (e.g. Mammoth Cave, the Thailand dataset from https://cave-registry.org.uk/, and Big Bat Cave). Behaviour is not identical and station positions after loop closure will inevitably be different, but large or apparently systematic errors are worth reporting. An easy way to compare is to export a Shapefile from Walls32.exe and overlay it in aven. The way to export is a bit hidden - after processing select the Segments tab, make sure the whole project is selected, and click the Details / Rpts… button which is towards the upper right. Click the Shapefile… button in the new dialog box, and select what you want to output (e.g. Vectors). Due to limitations in the Shapefile format each Shape Type selected here exports a separate Shapefile. To overlay a Shapefile in aven use File->Overlay Geodata….

See below for a list of known limitations. We’ve mostly prioritised what to implement based on testing with real-world datasets so commonly used features are likely to be handled while more obscure features may not be.

  • Survex reports warnings in some suspect situations which Walls quietly accepts. In general this seems helpful and they do highlight what look like genuine problems in existing datasets, but if there are particular instances which are noisy and not useful, let us know.

    Some of these warnings use the same wording as errors - most of these probably ought to be an error except Walls quietly accepts them so we don’t want to fail processing because of them.

    If you want a way to suppress the “unused fixed point” warning, using the station in a #NOTE or #FLAG command counts as a “use” so you can suppress these with e.g. #NOTE ABC123 /unused for each such fixed point.

  • If an isolated LRUD (LRUD not on a leg, e.g. specified for the start or end station of a traverse) is missing its closing delimiter, Walls will parse the line as a data leg where the “to” station starts with * or <, which will usually succeed without errors or warnings. A real-world example is:

    P25     *8 5 16 3.58

    Survex parses this like Walls does, but issues a warning:

    walls.srv:1:9: warning: Parsing as "to" station but may be isolated LRUD with missing closing delimiter
     P25     *8 5 15 3.58

    This warning will also be triggered if you have a “to” station which actually starts with * or <, if the station name was not previously seen. This condition provides a simple way to suppress the warning - just add a dummy #NOTE command before the line of data like so:

    #note *8 ; Suppress Survex warning that this looks like broken LRUD
    P25     *8 5 16 3.58
  • Walls allows hanging surveys, apparently without any complaint, and as a result large Walls datasets are likely to have hanging surveys. A hanging survey used to be an error in Survex but since 1.4.10 a hanging survey is warned about and then ignored.

  • #FIX - currently Survex does not support horizontal-only or vertical only fixes. These are currently given an SD of 1000m in that direction instead, but that is not the same as completely decoupling the fix in that direction.

  • Variance overrides on survey legs are mostly supported, with the following limitations:

    • An SD of 0 is currently treated as 1mm (approximately 0.04 inches).

    • Floating a leg both horizontally and vertically (with ?) replaces it with a “nosurvey” leg, which is effectively the same provided both ends of the leg are attached to fixed points.

    • Floating a leg either horizontally or vertically (with ?) uses an SD of 1000m in that direction instead of actually decoupling the connection.

    • Floating the traverse containing a leg (with *) currently just floats that leg (so it’s the same as ?).

  • Walls #SEGMENT is apparently in practice commonly set to a set of Compass “shot flags”, so if a #SEGMENT value consists only of letters from the set CLPSX with an optional leading / or \\ then we map it to Survex flags like so (since Survex 1.4.10):

    • C in Compass causes legs it is set on to not be affected by loop closure, but setting Compass flags in the Walls #SEGMENT is just a user-level convention so Walls won’t do anything in response to C, so Survex ignores it too.

    • L is mapped to Survex’s “duplicate” flag

    • P is mapped to Survex’s “surface” flag

    • S is mapped to Survex’s “splay” flag

    • X in Compass completely excludes the leg from processing, but setting Compass flags in the Walls #SEGMENT is just a user-level convention so Walls won’t do anything in response to X. It seems in practice that X is sometimes used in Walls datasets to flag data to just exclude from the surveyed length, so we treat it as an alias for L and map it to Survex’s “duplicate” flag.

    Other values of #SEGMENT are ignored.

  • Walls FLAG values seem to be arbitrary text strings. We try to infer appropriate Survex station flags by checking for certain key words in that text (currently we map words ENTRANCE and FIX to the corresponding Survex station flags) and otherwise ignore FLAG values.

  • #NOTE is parsed and the station name is marked as “used” (which suppresses the unused fixed point warning) but the note text is currently ignored.

  • We don’t currently support all the datum names which Walls does because we haven’t managed to find an EPSG code for any UTM zones in some of these datums. This probably means they’re not actually in current use.

  • We currently assume all two digit years are 19xx (Walls documents it ‘also accepts “some date formats common in the U.S. (mm/dd/yy, mm-dd-yyyy, etc.)’ but doesn’t say how it interprets yy.

  • The documentation specifies that the SAVE and RESTORE options should be processed before other options. Currently Survex just processes all options in the order specified, which makes no difference to any real-world data we’ve seen. We need to test with Walls32.exe to determine exactly how this works (and if RESET is also special).

  • LRUD data is currently ignored.

  • The TAPE= option is currently quietly skipped, and tape measurements are assumed to be station to station.

  • In TYPEAB= and TYPEVB=, the threshold is ignored, as is the X meaning to only use foresights (but still check backsights). Survex uses a threshold based on the specified instrument SDs, and averages foresights and backsights.

  • UV=, UVH= and UVV= are all quietly skipped.

  • The GRID= option currently gives an “Unknown command” warning, and is skipped. If your Walls data specifies a UTM zone then Survex will automatically correct for grid convergence.

  • The INCH= option currently gives an “Unknown command” warning (unless the argument is zero, since Survex 1.4.10), and is skipped.

  • Walls seems to allow \\ in place of / in some places (e.g. #FLAG). We aim to support this too, but it doesn’t seem to be documented so may not currently be supported in the correct places.

  • The inheritance of settings in WPJ files is probably not correctly implemented currently.

  • The Walls documentation mentions a NOTE= option, but doesn’t document what it does, and testing with Walls32.exe it doesn’t seem to actually be supported!

  • The two UPS zones for the polar regions (specified as UTM zone values of -61 and 61 in Walls) are supported with datum WGS84, but we do not have any real data to test this support with.

  • Walls gives an error if an unprefixed station name is more than 8 characters long but Survex does not enforce this restriction.

  • Walls documents The total length of the three prefix components combined, including any embedded colon separators, is 127 characters but Survex does not enforce any limit.

  • In the option UNITS= the documentation says CASE = Upper / Lower / Mixed but it seems actually any string is allowed and if it starts with a letter other than U or L then it’s treated as Mixed. Since Survex 1.4.10.

  • Walls explicitly documents that Unprefixed names […] must not contain any colons, semicolons, commas, pound signs (#), or embedded tabs or spaces. but it actually allows # in station names (though it can’t be used as the first character of the from station name as that will be interpreted as a command. Since Survex 1.4.10.

  • Walls ignores junk after the numeric argument in TYPEAB=, TYPEVB=, UV=, UVH=, and UVV=. Survex warns and skips the junk. Since Survex 1.4.10.

  • Walls allows the clino reading to be completely omitted with ORDER=DAV and ORDER=ADV on a “wall shot” (leg to or from an anonymous station). Supported since Survex 1.4.10.

  • If a station is used with an explicit Walls prefix (e.g. PEP:A123) then it will will be flagged as “exported” in the .3d file. This is currently applied even if the explicit prefix is empty (e.g. :A123). Since Survex 1.4.10.

  • Walls allows a station with an explicit prefix to have an empty name, e.g. PEP:. The Walls documentation doesn’t mention this, though it also doesn’t explicitly say the name can’t be empty. This quirk seems unlikely to be intentionally used and Survex doesn’t allow an empty station name, so we issue a warning and use the name empty name (which has a space in, so can’t collide with a real Walls station name which can’t contain a space) - so PEP: in Walls becomes PEP.empty name in Survex. Since Survex 1.4.10.

If you find some Walls data which Survex doesn’t handle or handles incorrectly, and it is not already noted above, please let us know. If you can provide some data demonstrating the problem, that’s really helpful. It’s also useful to know if there are things listed above that are problematic to help prioritise efforts.