No positional information and O_STREAMING, reuse btree object, no fdatasync,
"dangerous" patch applied, mounted noatime, pack_uint_preserving_sort:
No positional information and O_STREAMING, reuse btree object, no fdatasync,
"dangerous" patch applied, mounted noatime:
No positional information and O_STREAMING, reuse btree object, no fdatasync,
"dangerous" patch applied:
No positional information and O_STREAMING, reuse btree object, no fdatasync:
No positional information and O_STREAMING, reuse btree object:
No positional information and O_STREAMING, no fdatasync (slowed at start by checksecurity cronjob):
No positional information and O_STREAMING:
With O_STREAMING on article reads (accidentally run on a subsection of the
spool so the data being indexed is different and this graph can't really be
compared to the others):
Original run: