793 merges of groups of stems:
{ 'aa } + { 'aa' } + { aa' }
{ a' } + { a'' }
{ abject abjectness abjects } + { abjectly }
{ abrupt abruption abruptness } + { abruptly }
{ abstract abstracted abstraction abstracts } + { abstractedly }
{ absurd absurdities absurdity } + { absurdly }
{ abundance abundant } + { abundantly }
{ abus } + { abuse abused abuser abuses abusing abusive }
{ accord accordance accordant accorded according accords } + { accordingly }
{ accus } + { accusation accusations accusative accuse accused accuser accusers accuses accusing }
{ addition additional additions } + { additionally }
{ admir admirable admirably admiral admiration admire admired admirer admirers admires admiring } + { admiringly }
{ adopt adopted adopting adoption adopts } + { adoptedly }
{ adroit } + { adroitly }
{ advisability advisable advise advised adviser advises advising advisings } + { advisedly }
{ affect affectation affectations affected affecting affection affections affects } + { affectedly }
{ agonised agonising } + { agonisingly }
{ aimless } + { aimlessly }
{ alarm alarmed alarming alarms } + { alarmingly }
{ allay allayed allaying allays } + { allayment allayments }
{ allus } + { allusion allusions }
{ amaz amaze amazed amazement amazes amazing } + { amazedly } + { amazingly }
{ analogous } + { analogies analogy }
{ anger angered angers } + { angerly }
{ annoy annoyed annoying annoys } + { annoyance annoyances }
{ antic antics } + { anticly }
{ antipholus } + { antipholuses }
{ anxious } + { anxiously }
{ apologize apologized apologizes apologizing } + { apologies apology }
{ appal appall appalled appalling appals } + { appallingly }
{ appeal appealed appealing appeals } + { appealingly }
{ approv approval approve approved approvers approves approving } + { approvingly }
{ apt aptness aptnesses } + { aptly }
{ arch arched arches archness } + { archly }
{ archaeological archaeologically } + { archaeologies archaeology }
{ art artful artfulness arts } + { artfully }
{ artless artlessness } + { artlessly }
{ assay assaying assays } + { assaye assayer }
{ assemblance assemble assembled assembles assembling } + { assemblies assembly }
{ assur assurance assurances assure assured assures assuring } + { assuredly }
{ astonish astonished astonishes astonishing astonishment } + { astonishingly }
{ audible } + { audibly }
{ aufidius } + { aufidiuses }
{ avow avowal avowed avowing } + { avowedly }
{ awkward awkwardness } + { awkwardly }
{ backward backwardness backwards } + { backwardly }
{ bad badness } + { badly }
{ bale baleful bales } + { balefully }
{ barren barrenness } + { barrenly }
{ bashful bashfulness } + { bashfully }
{ bastard bastardizing bastards } + { bastardly }
{ beam beamed beaming beams } + { beamingly }
{ beautied beauties beautiful beauty } + { beautifully }
{ beggar beggared beggars } + { beggarly }
{ benign benignant benignity } + { benignantly } + { benignly }
{ beseech beseeched beseechers beseeches beseeching } + { beseechingly }
{ betray betrayed betraying betrays } + { betrayal }
{ bewitch bewitched bewitching bewitchment } + { bewitchingly }
{ biological biologically } + { biologies biology }
{ bis } + { bisness }
{ bitter bitterer bitterness } + { bitterly }
{ blackguard blackguards } + { blackguardly }
{ bland blandness } + { blandly }
{ blank blankness blanks } + { blankly }
{ bless blessed blesses blessing blessings } + { blessedly }
{ blind blinded blinding blindness blindnesses blinds } + { blindly }
{ blunt blunted blunting bluntness blunts } + { bluntly }
{ blush blushed blushes blushing } + { blushingly }
{ boast boasted boastful boastfulness boasting boasts } + { boastfully }
{ bold boldness bolds } + { boldly }
{ boor boors } + { boorly }
{ bounteous } + { bounteously }
{ bounties bountiful bounty } + { bountifully }
{ brainsick } + { brainsickly }
{ breathless breathlessness } + { breathlessly }
{ bright brightness } + { brightly }
{ brilliant brilliants } + { brilliantly }
{ brisk briskness } + { briskly }
{ broad } + { broadly }
{ broken } + { brokenly }
{ brood brooded brooding } + { broodingly }
{ brother brothers } + { brotherly }
{ buoyant } + { buoyantly }
{ bur burs } + { burly }
{ butcher butchered butchers } + { butcherly }
{ cactus } + { cactuses }
{ callous } + { callousness }
{ calm calmed calming calmness calms } + { calmly }
{ candid candidate candidates } + { candidly }
{ care cared careful carefulness cares caring } + { carefully }
{ careless carelessness } + { carelessly }
{ caress caressed caresses caressing } + { caressingly }
{ carous } + { carouse caroused carouses carousing }
{ caus } + { cause caused causes causing }
{ cautious } + { cautiously }
{ ceaseless } + { ceaselessly }
{ certain certainer } + { certainly }
{ charm charmed charming charms } + { charmingly }
{ cheer cheered cheerful cheerfulness cheering cheers } + { cheerfully } + { cheerly }
{ chi } + { chy }
{ childish childishness } + { childishly }
{ chorus } + { choruses }
{ churlish churlishness } + { churlishly }
{ cincinnatus } + { cincinnatuses }
{ clear cleared clearing clearness clears } + { clearly }
{ clerk clerks } + { clerkly }
{ clever cleverer cleverness } + { cleverly }
{ cloister cloistered cloisters } + { cloisterly }
{ coax coaxed coaxes coaxing coaxings } + { coaxingly }
{ cold coldness coldnesses colds } + { coldly }
{ collect collected collecting collection collections collectively collects } + { collectedly }
{ comfort comfortable comfortably comforted comforter comforters comforting comforts } + { comfortingly }
{ commend commendable commendation commendations commended commending commends } + { commendingly }
{ common commoner commoners commons } + { commonly }
{ compose composed composer composes composing } + { composedly }
{ condescend condescended condescending condescends } + { condescendingly }
{ condition conditional conditioned conditions } + { conditionally }
{ confess confessed confesses confessing confession confessions } + { confessedly }
{ confidant confide confided confidence confidences confident confidently confides confiding } + { confidingly }
{ confound confounded confounding confounds } + { confoundedly }
{ confus } + { confuse confused confuses confusing confusion confusions } + { confusedly }
{ conjoint } + { conjointly }
{ conscious } + { consciously consciousness }
{ consolate consolation consolations console consoled consoler consoles consoling consols } + { consolingly }
{ constant } + { constantly }
{ constitute constituted constitutes constituting constitution constitutional } + { constitutionally }
{ consum consume consumed consumers consumes consuming } + { consumedly }
{ content contented contenting contention contentions contentment contents } + { contentedly }
{ continu continual continually continuance continuate continuation continue continued continuer continues continuing continuous continuously } + { continuantly }
{ convent convented convention conventional conventions convents } + { conventionalities conventionality conventionally }
{ conversant conversation conversational conversations converse conversed converses conversing conversion } + { conversationally }
{ convey conveyed conveying conveys } + { conveyance conveyances conveyers }
{ copious } + { copiously }
{ correct corrected correcting correction corrective correctness corrects } + { correctly }
{ correspond corresponded correspondence correspondences correspondent correspondents corresponding } + { correspondingly }
{ corrupt corrupted corrupter corrupters corruptible corrupting corruption corrupts } + { corruptibly } + { corruptly }
{ cost costs } + { costly }
{ counterfeit counterfeited counterfeiting counterfeits } + { counterfeitly }
{ court courte courted courting courts } + { courtly }
{ courteous } + { courteously }
{ cousin cousins } + { cousinly }
{ covert coverts } + { covertly }
{ coward cowarded cowards } + { cowardly }
{ coy } + { coyness }
{ credibility credible } + { credibly }
{ cried cries } + { cry crying }
{ cringe cringed cringing } + { cringingly }
{ crook crooked crooking crooks } + { crookedly }
{ cuckold cuckolds } + { cuckoldly }
{ cullion cullions } + { cullionly }
{ cumbrous } + { cumbrously }
{ cunning cunnings } + { cunningly }
{ cur curs } + { curly }
{ curious } + { curiously }
{ dark darkness } + { darkly }
{ dastard dastards } + { dastardly }
{ dead } + { deadly }
{ dear deared dearness dears } + { dearly }
{ death deathful deaths } + { deathly }
{ decay decayed decaying decays } + { decayer }
{ decide decided decides deciding } + { decidedly }
{ defiant } + { defiantly }
{ deject dejected dejection } + { dejectedly }
{ delight delighted delightful delighting delights } + { delightfully }
{ demneble } + { demnebly }
{ deprecate deprecating deprecation } + { deprecatingly }
{ deserv deserve deserved deserver deservers deserves deserving deservings } + { deservedly }
{ despair despaired despairing despairs } + { despairingly }
{ despond desponded despondence despondency despondent despondently desponding } + { despondingly }
{ destroy destroyed destroying destroys } + { destroyer destroyers }
{ devote devoted devotes devoting devotion devotional devotions } + { devotedly }
{ devout } + { devoutly }
{ diffus } + { diffused diffusing diffusion }
{ dim dimmed dimming dims } + { dimly }
{ dire direful direly direness } + { direfully }
{ direct directed directing direction directions directive directs } + { directly }
{ discontent discontented discontenting discontents } + { discontentedly }
{ discord discordant discorded discords } + { discordantly }
{ discreet } + { discreetly }
{ disdain disdained disdainful disdaining disdains } + { disdainfully }
{ disgust disgusted disgusting disgusts } + { disgustingly }
{ dishonest } + { dishonestly }
{ disinterested } + { disinterestedly }
{ disorder disordered disorders } + { disorderly }
{ disperse dispersed disperses dispersing } + { dispersedly }
{ dispraise dispraising } + { dispraisingly }
{ disquiet disquieted } + { disquietly }
{ disrespect disrespectability disrespectful } + { disrespectfully }
{ dissemble dissembled dissembler dissemblers dissembling } + { dissembly }
{ distant } + { distantly }
{ distinct distinction distinctions distinctive distinctness } + { distinctly }
{ distract distracted distracting distraction distractions distracts } + { distractedly }
{ distress distressed distresses distressful distressing } + { distressfully }
{ distrust distrusted distrustful } + { distrustfully }
{ dog dogged dogging dogs } + { doggedly }
{ dole doleful } + { dolefully }
{ doubt doubted doubtful doubting doubts } + { doubtfully } + { doubtingly }
{ dread dreaded dreadful dreading dreads } + { dreadfully }
{ dried dries } + { dry drying }
{ drunken drunkenness } + { drunkenly }
{ dubious } + { dubiously }
{ duties dutiful duty } + { dutifully }
{ eager eagerness } + { eagerly }
{ earnest earnestness } + { earnestly }
{ earth earths } + { earthly }
{ easter } + { easterly }
{ effus } + { effuse effusion effusions }
{ eighth eighths } + { eighthly }
{ elder elders } + { elderly }
{ elegance elegances elegancies elegancy elegant } + { elegantly }
{ employ employed employing employs } + { employer employers employment employments }
{ enchant enchanted enchanter enchanting enchantment enchants } + { enchantingly }
{ encourage encouraged encouragement encouragements encourager encourages encouraging } + { encouragingly }
{ endless } + { endlessly }
{ enforc enforce enforced enforcement enforces enforcing } + { enforcedly }
{ enjoy enjoyed enjoying enjoys } + { enjoyable enjoyer enjoyment enjoyments } + { enjoyingly }
{ entomological } + { entomology }
{ envious } + { enviously }
{ espous } + { espouse espoused }
{ even evening evenings evenness } + { evenly }
{ everlasting } + { everlastingly }
{ exact exacted exacting exaction exactions exactness exacts } + { exactly }
{ exceed exceeds } + { exceeded exceeding } + { exceedingly }
{ excitable excitableness excite excited excitement excitements excites exciting } + { excitedly }
{ excruciate excruciating } + { excruciatingly }
{ excus } + { excusable excuse excused excuses excusing }
{ exterior exteriors } + { exteriorly }
{ exult exultation exulted exulting exults } + { exultingly }
{ fade faded fades fading fadings } + { fadedly }
{ faint fainted fainting faintings faintness faints } + { faintly }
{ fair faire fairing fairings fairness fairs } + { fairly }
{ faith faithful faithfulness faiths } + { faithfully }
{ falter faltered faltering falters } + { falteringly }
{ familiar familiarities familiarity familiarized familiars } + { familiarly }
{ famous } + { famoused famously }
{ fast fasted fasting fastness fasts } + { fastly }
{ fat fatness fats fatted fatting } + { fatly }
{ father fathered fathers } + { fatherly }
{ faultless } + { faultlessly }
{ favour favourable favourably favoured favourer favourers favouring favours } + { favouredly }
{ fear feared fearful fearfulness fearing fears } + { fearfully }
{ fearless } + { fearlessly }
{ feat feated feats } + { featly }
{ feel feeling feelings feels } + { feelingly }
{ feverish feverishness } + { feverishly }
{ fifth fifths } + { fifthly }
{ firm firmness firms } + { firmly }
{ first } + { firstly }
{ fit fitful fitness fitnesses fits fitted fitting fittings } + { fitfully } + { fitly }
{ fix fixed fixes fixing } + { fixedly }
{ flagrant } + { flagrantly }
{ flat flatness flats } + { flatly }
{ fleet fleeting } + { fleetingly }
{ flesh fleshes fleshing } + { fleshly }
{ fond fondness } + { fondly }
{ foolish foolishness } + { foolishly }
{ forbear forbearance forbearing forbears } + { forbearingly }
{ forbidden } + { forbiddenly }
{ forcible } + { forcibly }
{ forgive forgiveness forgives forgiving } + { forgivingly }
{ forlorn } + { forlornly }
{ former } + { formerly }
{ fourth fourths } + { fourthly }
{ frank frankness franks } + { frankly }
{ frantic frantically } + { franticly }
{ fresh freshes freshness } + { freshly }
{ fret fretful fretfulness frets fretted fretting } + { fretfully }
{ fried } + { fry frying }
{ fright frighted frightful frighting frights } + { frightfully }
{ frown frowned frowning frowns } + { frowningly }
{ fruit fruitful fruitfulness fruits } + { fruitfully }
{ fruitless } + { fruitlessly }
{ furious } + { furiously }
{ gallant gallants } + { gallantly }
{ gasp gasped gasping gasps } + { gaspingly }
{ gaunt gaunts } + { gauntly }
{ gay } + { gayness }
{ genius } + { geniuses }
{ gentle gentleness gentles } + { gently }
{ gentleman } + { gentlemanly }
{ geolog geological geologically geologize geologizing } + { geologies geology }
{ ghost ghosted ghosts } + { ghostly }
{ gibe gibes gibing } + { gibingly }
{ ginger } + { gingerly }
{ girlish } + { girlishly }
{ glad gladded gladding gladness } + { gladly }
{ glare glared glares glaring } + { glaringly }
{ glorious } + { gloriously }
{ golden } + { goldenly }
{ good goodness goods } + { goodly }
{ gorgeous } + { gorgeously gorgeousness }
{ grace graced graceful graces gracing } + { gracefully }
{ gracious } + { graciously graciousness }
{ grand grande grandes } + { grandly }
{ grate grated grateful grates grating } + { gratefully }
{ great greateful greatness } + { greatly }
{ green greenness greens } + { greenly }
{ griev grieve grieved grieves grieving } + { grievingly }
{ grievous } + { grievously }
{ grim } + { grimly }
{ grudge grudged grudges grudging } + { grudgingly }
{ guess guessed guesses guessing } + { guessingly }
{ haggard haggardness haggards } + { haggardly }
{ hard harding hardness } + { hardly }
{ harmless } + { harmlessly }
{ harsh harshness } + { harshly }
{ hay } + { haye hayes }
{ heart hearted hearts } + { heartly }
{ heartless heartlessness } + { heartlessly }
{ heaven heavens } + { heavenly }
{ heed heeded heedful heeding heeds } + { heedfully }
{ heedless heedlessness } + { heedlessly }
{ heinous } + { heinously }
{ helpless helplessness } + { helplessly }
{ hesitate hesitated hesitates hesitating hesitation hesitations } + { hesitatingly }
{ hideous } + { hideously hideousness }
{ high highness highnesses } + { highly }
{ hippopotamus } + { hippopotamuses }
{ honest honester } + { honestly }
{ hoor } + { hoorly }
{ hope hoped hopeful hopefulness hopes hoping } + { hopefully }
{ hopeless hopelessness } + { hopelessly }
{ horrible } + { horribly }
{ horrid horrider } + { horridly }
{ hot } + { hotly }
{ hour hours } + { hourly }
{ human humane humanely humanity humanizing } + { humanly }
{ humble humbled humbleness humbles humbling } + { humbly }
{ humour humoured humouring humours } + { humouredly }
{ hunger hungering } + { hungerly }
{ hurried hurries hurry hurrying } + { hurriedly }
{ idle idled idleness idles idling } + { idly }
{ ignoble } + { ignobly }
{ ignorance ignorant ignore ignored ignoring } + { ignorantly }
{ imperfect imperfection imperfections } + { imperfectly }
{ impious } + { impiously }
{ implicit } + { implicitly }
{ implor implorators implore implored imploring } + { imploringly }
{ import importance importancy important importation imported importer importing imports } + { importantly }
{ improper } + { improperly }
{ inaudible } + { inaudibly }
{ incessant } + { incessantly }
{ incorrect incorrectness } + { incorrectly }
{ increase increased increases increasing } + { increasingly }
{ incredible } + { incredibly }
{ indelible indelicate } + { indelibly }
{ indign indignant indignation indignations indigne indignities indignity } + { indignantly }
{ indirect indirection indirections } + { indirectly }
{ indiscreet indiscreetness } + { indiscreetly }
{ indistinct indistinctness } + { indistinctly }
{ inexpressible inexpressibles inexpressive inexpressively } + { inexpressibly }
{ infallibility infallible } + { infallibly }
{ infus } + { infuse infused infusing infusion }
{ inhuman inhumanity } + { inhumanly }
{ inquir inquire inquired inquirer inquirers inquires inquiring } + { inquiringly }
{ insense insensibility insensible } + { insensibly }
{ instant } + { instantly }
{ intelligence intelligent intelligently intelligible } + { intelligibly }
{ intent intention intentional intentioned intentions intentively intently intents } + { intentionally }
{ intrepid intrepidity } + { intrepidly }
{ invised invisible } + { invisibly }
{ invitation invitations invite invited invites inviting } + { invitingly }
{ inward inwardness inwards } + { inwardly }
{ irascibility irascible } + { irascibly }
{ irregular irregularities irregularity irregulars } + { irregularly }
{ irresistible } + { irresistibly }
{ jealous } + { jealously }
{ jeer jeered jeering jeers } + { jeeringly }
{ jest jested jesting jests } + { jestingly }
{ jocular jocularity } + { jocularly }
{ joint jointed jointing joints } + { jointly }
{ joy joyed joys } + { joyful } + { joyfully }
{ joyous } + { joyously joyousness }
{ just justness justs } + { justly }
{ keen keenness } + { keenly }
{ king kings } + { kingly }
{ knight knighted knights } + { knightly }
{ know knowed knowing knowings knows } + { knowingly }
{ languid } + { languidly }
{ last lasted lasting lasts } + { lastly }
{ latter } + { latterly }
{ laugh laughed laughing laughs } + { laughingly }
{ lavish lavished } + { lavishly }
{ law lawful laws } + { lawfully }
{ lawless } + { lawlessly }
{ learn learned learning learnings learns } + { learnedly }
{ legibility legible } + { legibly }
{ lewd lewdness } + { lewdly }
{ light lighted lighting lightness lights } + { lightly }
{ listless listlessness } + { listlessly }
{ loath loathe loathed loathes loathing loathness } + { loathly }
{ long longed longing longings longs } + { longly }
{ loud loudness } + { loudly }
{ lous } + { louse louses }
{ love loved lovely loves loving } + { lovingly }
{ lubber } + { lubberly }
{ lucid } + { lucidly }
{ luxuriance luxuriant luxuriate luxuriating luxuries luxurious luxuriously luxury } + { luxuriantly }
{ lycurgus } + { lycurguses }
{ mad madded madding madness mads } + { madly }
{ maiden maidens } + { maidenly }
{ main maine mains } + { mainly }
{ malign malignance malignancy malignant maligned malignity } + { malignantly }
{ manifest manifestation manifestations manifested manifesting manifests } + { manifestly }
{ manifold } + { manifoldly }
{ manner mannered manners } + { mannerly }
{ mar marred marring mars } + { marly }
{ master mastered masterful mastering masters } + { masterly }
{ matron matrons } + { matronly }
{ mean meaning meanings meanness meannesses means } + { meanly }
{ meek meekness } + { meekly }
{ meet meeting meetings meetness meets } + { meetly }
{ mercie mercies merciful mercy } + { mercifully }
{ merciless } + { mercilessly }
{ mild mildness } + { mildly }
{ minc mince minced minces mincing } + { mincingly }
{ mind minded mindful minding minds } + { mindedly }
{ miser miserable miserably misers } + { miserly }
{ miss missed misses missing } + { missingly }
{ mistaken } + { mistakenly }
{ mistrust mistrusted mistrustful mistrusting mistrusts } + { mistrustfully }
{ misus } + { misuse misused misuses }
{ mock mocked mocking mocks } + { mockingly }
{ modest } + { modestly }
{ monstrous } + { monstrously monstrousness }
{ month months } + { monthly }
{ morbid } + { morbidly }
{ most } + { mostly }
{ mother mothers } + { motherly }
{ mourn mourned mournful mournfulness mourning mournings mourns } + { mournfully } + { mourningly }
{ mous } + { mouse mousing }
{ move moved moves moving } + { movingly }
{ murmur murmured murmurers murmuring murmurings murmurs } + { murmuringly }
{ muse mused muses musing musings } + { musingly }
{ natur natural naturalize naturalized naturally naturalness nature natured natures } + { naturedly }
{ near neared nearing nearness } + { nearly }
{ neat neatness } + { neatly }
{ need needed needful needing needs } + { needly }
{ needless } + { needlessly }
{ negative negatives } + { negation }
{ neglect neglected neglectful neglecting neglection neglects } + { neglectingly }
{ neighbour neighbouring neighbours } + { neighbourly }
{ nervous } + { nervously nervousness }
{ night nighted nights } + { nightly }
{ nimble nimbleness } + { nimbly }
{ ning } + { ningly }
{ noiseless } + { noiselessly }
{ note noted notes noting } + { notedly }
{ obligation obligations oblige obliged obliges obliging } + { obligingly }
{ observ observable observance observances observancy observant observants observation observations observe observed observer observers observes observing } + { observingly }
{ obvious } + { obviously }
{ odd oddness odds } + { oddly }
{ odious } + { odiously }
{ omnibus } + { omnibuses }
{ open opened opener opening openings openness opens } + { openly }
{ operant operate operated operating operation operational operations operative operator } + { operationally }
{ order ordered ordering orders } + { orderly }
{ ostensible } + { ostensibly }
{ out outs } + { outlying }
{ outward outwards } + { outwardly }
{ over overate } + { overlying }
{ overpower overpowered overpowering overpowers } + { overpoweringly }
{ overwhelm overwhelmed overwhelming overwhelms } + { overwhelmingly }
{ pain pained painful pains } + { painfully }
{ palynological palynologically } + { palynologies palynology }
{ pander panders } + { panderly }
{ pant panted panting pants } + { pantingly }
{ part parted parting partings parts } + { partly }
{ particular particularities particularity particularize particulars } + { particularly }
{ patron patronize patronized patronizes patronizing patrons } + { patronizingly }
{ pause paused pauses pausing } + { pausingly }
{ peace peaceful peacefulness peaces } + { peacefully }
{ pear pears } + { pearly }
{ peculiar peculiarities peculiarity } + { peculiarly }
{ peevish peevishness } + { peevishly }
{ peltirogus } + { peltiroguses }
{ perceptible perception perceptions percepts } + { perceptibly }
{ perfect perfected perfecter perfection perfections perfectness } + { perfectly }
{ perpendicular } + { perpendicularly }
{ persever persevered persevering persevers } + { perseveringly }
{ pert } + { pertly }
{ pettish pettishness } + { pettishly }
{ petulance petulant } + { petulantly }
{ philological philologically } + { philologies philology }
{ phonological phonologically } + { phonologies phonology }
{ physiological } + { physiology }
{ pied pies } + { pie }
{ pierc pierce pierced pierces piercing } + { piercingly }
{ piteous } + { piteously }
{ pitie pitied pities pitiful pity pitying } + { pitifully }
{ pitiless } + { pitilessly }
{ placid placidity } + { placidly }
{ plain plaining plainings plainness plains } + { plainly }
{ plausible } + { plausibly }
{ play played playing plays } + { playful playfulness } + { playfully }
{ plead pleaded pleading pleads } + { pleadingly }
{ pleasant pleasanter pleasantness } + { pleasantly }
{ plenteous } + { plenteously }
{ plenties plentiful plenty } + { plentifully }
{ plied plies } + { ply plying }
{ point pointed pointing points } + { pointedly }
{ polit polite politely politeness politic political politically politics } + { politicly }
{ pompous } + { pompously }
{ poor poorness } + { poorly }
{ port porte ports } + { portly }
{ possibilities possibility possible } + { possibly }
{ power powerful powers } + { powerfully }
{ precious } + { preciously }
{ pregnant } + { pregnantly }
{ prepar preparation preparations prepare prepared prepares preparing } + { preparedly }
{ press pressed presses pressing } + { pressingly }
{ previous } + { previously }
{ prey preyed preying preys } + { preyful }
{ prick pricked pricking pricks } + { prickly }
{ pried pries } + { pry prying }
{ priest priests } + { priestly }
{ proceed proceeds } + { proceeded proceeders proceeding proceedings }
{ profound } + { profoundly }
{ prompt prompted prompting promptness prompts } + { promptly }
{ proper properer } + { properly }
{ prospectus } + { prospectuses }
{ proud prouds } + { proudly }
{ provok provoke provoked provoker provokes provoking } + { provokingly }
{ psychological psychologically } + { psychology }
{ public publication publications publicity } + { publicly }
{ quaint quaintness } + { quaintly }
{ quarter quartered quartering quarters } + { quarterly }
{ queer queerness } + { queerly }
{ quick quickness } + { quickly }
{ quiet quieted quietness quiets } + { quietly }
{ radiant } + { radiantly }
{ rakish rakishness } + { rakishly }
{ rank ranked ranking rankness ranks } + { rankly }
{ rapid rapidity } + { rapidly }
{ rash rashness } + { rashly }
{ reassurance reassure reassured reassures reassuring } + { reassuringly }
{ reckless recklessness } + { recklessly }
{ recreative } + { recreate recreation }
{ red redness } + { redly }
{ refresh refreshed refreshes refreshing refreshment refreshments } + { refreshingly }
{ refus } + { refusal refusant refuse refused refuses refusing }
{ regard regardance regarded regardful regarding regards } + { regardfully }
{ reglar } + { reglarly }
{ regret regretful regrets regretted regretting } + { regretfully }
{ regular regularity regulars } + { regularly }
{ rejoic rejoice rejoiced rejoices rejoicing rejoicings } + { rejoicingly }
{ reluctance reluctant } + { reluctantly }
{ remark remarkable remarkably remarked remarking remarks } + { remarkedly }
{ repay repaying repays } + { repayment }
{ repeat repeated repeater repeating repeats } + { repeatedly }
{ report reported reporter reporters reporting reports } + { reportingly }
{ reproach reproached reproaches reproachful reproaching } + { reproachfully }
{ reprov reprove reproveable reproved reproves reproving } + { reprovingly }
{ resent resented resentful resenting resentment resentments resents } + { resentfully }
{ resolv resolve resolved resolves resolving } + { resolvedly }
{ respect respectabilities respectability respectable respectably respected respectful respecting respective respectively respects } + { respectfully }
{ restless restlessness } + { restlessly }
{ reveng revenge revenged revengeful revengement revenger revengers revenges revenging } + { revengingly }
{ reviv revival revive revived revives reviving } + { revivingly }
{ rich riches richness } + { richly }
{ right righted rightful rights } + { rightfully } + { rightly }
{ righteous } + { righteously righteousness }
{ rigid rigidity } + { rigidly }
{ robust } + { robustly }
{ roguish } + { roguishly }
{ root rooted rooting roots } + { rootedly }
{ rough roughing roughness roughs } + { roughly }
{ round rounde rounded rounding roundness rounds } + { roundly }
{ rous } + { rouse roused rousing }
{ rubbish rubbishing } + { rubbishly }
{ ruffian ruffians } + { ruffianly }
{ ruthless } + { ruthlessly }
{ s } + { 's' }
{ sacre sacred sacring } + { sacredly }
{ sad sadness } + { sadly }
{ saint sainte sainted saints } + { saintly }
{ scholar scholars } + { scholarly }
{ scorch scorched scorches scorching } + { scorchingly }
{ scorn scorned scornful scorning scorns } + { scornfully }
{ second seconded seconds } + { secondly }
{ secret secrete secreted secretes secreting secretion secrets } + { secretly }
{ seem seeme seemed seeming seems } + { seemingly } + { seemly }
{ selfish selfishness } + { selfishly }
{ sensibilities sensibility sensible } + { sensibly }
{ serious } + { seriously seriousness }
{ seventh } + { seventhly }
{ shame shamed shameful shames shaming } + { shamefully }
{ shameless } + { shamelessly }
{ sheame } + { sheamfully }
{ shied shies } + { shy }
{ shock shocked shocking shocks } + { shockingly }
{ short shortness shorts } + { shortly }
{ shrewd shrewdness } + { shrewdly }
{ shrewish shrewishness } + { shrewishly }
{ sight sighted sights } + { sightly }
{ significance significancy significant significants } + { significantly }
{ silver silvered } + { silverly }
{ similar similarity } + { similarly }
{ sin sinful sinfulness sinned sinning sins } + { sinfully }
{ single singled singleness singling } + { singly }
{ singular singularities singularity } + { singularly }
{ sinless } + { sinlessly }
{ sister sisters } + { sisterly }
{ sixth } + { sixthly }
{ skies } + { sky }
{ skilful skilfulness } + { skilfully }
{ slack slackness } + { slackly }
{ slavish slavishness } + { slavishly }
{ sleek } + { sleekly }
{ slender slenderer slenderness } + { slenderly }
{ slight slighted slighting slightness slights } + { slightingly } + { slightly }
{ sloven } + { slovenly }
{ smart smarting smartness smartnesses smarts } + { smartly }
{ smile smiled smiles smiling } + { smilingly }
{ smooth smoothed smoothing smoothings smoothness smooths } + { smoothingly } + { smoothly }
{ smug } + { smugly }
{ snappish } + { snappishly }
{ snug } + { snugly }
{ sober sobered soberer sobering } + { soberly }
{ soft softness } + { softly }
{ soldier soldiering soldiers } + { soldierly }
{ solemn solemnities solemnity solemnize solemnized } + { solemnly }
{ sooth soothe soothed soothing } + { soothingly }
{ soothsay } + { soothsayer }
{ sorrow sorrowed sorrowful sorrowing sorrows } + { sorrowfully }
{ sound sounded sounding soundings soundness sounds } + { soundly }
{ sour soured souring sours } + { sourly }
{ sous } + { souse soused sousing }
{ sovereign sovereigns } + { sovereignly }
{ spare spared spares sparing } + { sparingly }
{ specious } + { speciously }
{ speechless } + { speechlessly }
{ spied spies } + { spy spying }
{ spite spited spiteful spitefulness spites } + { spitefully }
{ splendid } + { splendidly }
{ squeamish squeamishness } + { squeamishly }
{ stare stared stares staring starings } + { staringly }
{ stark } + { starkly }
{ start starte started starting startings starts } + { startingly }
{ staunch staunchness } + { staunchly }
{ steadfast steadfastness } + { steadfastly }
{ stern sterne sternness } + { sternly }
{ stink stinking stinks } + { stinkingly }
{ stolid stolidity } + { stolidly }
{ stout stoutness } + { stoutly }
{ straight } + { straightly }
{ strait straited straitness straits } + { straitly }
{ strict strictness } + { strictly }
{ strike strikes striking } + { strikingly }
{ strong } + { strongly }
{ stubble } + { stubbly }
{ stubborn stubbornness } + { stubbornly }
{ studious } + { studiously studiousness }
{ stupid stupider stupidity stupids } + { stupidly }
{ succeed succeeds } + { succeeded succeeders succeeding }
{ success successes successful succession successions successive successively } + { successantly } + { successfully }
{ sudden suddenness } + { suddenly }
{ sullen sullenness sullens } + { sullenly }
{ sumptuous } + { sumptuously }
{ sur } + { surly }
{ surprise surprised surprises surprising } + { surprisingly }
{ sweet sweeting sweetness sweets } + { sweetly }
{ swift swiftness } + { swiftly }
{ tacit } + { tacitly }
{ tart tartness tarts } + { tartly }
{ taste tasted tasteful tastes tasting } + { tastefully }
{ taunt taunted taunting taunts } + { tauntingly }
{ tear tearful tearing tears } + { tearfully }
{ tedious } + { tediously tediousness }
{ tender tendered tenderer tendering tenderness tenders } + { tenderly }
{ terrible } + { terribly }
{ thank thanked thankful thankfulness thanking thankings thanks } + { thankfully }
{ theological theologically } + { theologies theology }
{ thick thickness } + { thickly }
{ thin thinned thinness thinning thins } + { thinly }
{ third thirds } + { thirdly }
{ thorough } + { thoroughly }
{ thought thoughtful thoughtfulness thoughts } + { thoughtfully }
{ through } + { throughly }
{ tight tightness tights } + { tightly }
{ timid timidity } + { timidly }
{ titular } + { titularly }
{ touch touched touches touching } + { touchingly }
{ toward towards } + { towardly }
{ tradition traditional traditions } + { traditionally }
{ traitor traitorous traitorously traitors } + { traitorly }
{ tremble trembled trembles trembling tremblings } + { tremblingly }
{ tried tries } + { try trying }
{ trim trimmed trimming trimmings trims } + { trimly }
{ trip tripped tripping trips } + { trippingly }
{ triumphant } + { triumphantly }
{ troilus } + { troiluses }
{ unadvisable unadvised } + { unadvisedly }
{ unaffected } + { unaffectedly }
{ unavailing } + { unavailingly }
{ unblushing } + { unblushingly }
{ unceasing } + { unceasingly }
{ uncertain } + { uncertainly }
{ uncommon } + { uncommonly }
{ uncomplaining } + { uncomplainingly }
{ unconcern unconcerned } + { unconcernedly }
{ unconstitutional } + { unconstitutionally }
{ unconstrain unconstrained } + { unconstrainedly }
{ under } + { underlying }
{ undeserved undeserver undeservers undeserving } + { undeservedly }
{ undisguisable undisguised } + { undisguisedly }
{ undoubted } + { undoubtedly }
{ undutiful undutifulness } + { undutifully }
{ unearthed } + { unearthly }
{ unexpected } + { unexpectedly }
{ unfair } + { unfairly }
{ unfeeling } + { unfeelingly }
{ unfeigned } + { unfeignedly }
{ unflinching } + { unflinchingly }
{ unfriended } + { unfriendly }
{ ungain } + { ungainly }
{ ungrateful } + { ungratefully }
{ unheeded unheedful unheeding } + { unheedfully }
{ unhous } + { unhoused }
{ uniform uniformity uniforms } + { uniformly }
{ unintentional } + { unintentionally }
{ uninterrupted } + { uninterruptedly }
{ unjust } + { unjustly }
{ unkind unkindness } + { unkindly }
{ unknowing } + { unknowingly }
{ unlawful } + { unlawfully }
{ unmann unmanner } + { unmannerly }
{ unmanned unmans } + { unmanly }
{ unmerciful } + { unmercifully }
{ unpitied unpitying } + { unpitifully }
{ unpleasant unpleasantness unpleasantnesses unpleasing } + { unpleasantly } + { unpleasingly }
{ unpretending } + { unpretendingly }
{ unproper } + { unproperly }
{ unquiet unquietness } + { unquietly }
{ unreserved } + { unreservedly }
{ unrestrained } + { unrestrainedly }
{ unseeming } + { unseemly }
{ unselfish unselfishness } + { unselfishly }
{ unskilful unskillful } + { unskilfully }
{ unsparing } + { unsparingly }
{ unsuccessful } + { unsuccessfully }
{ unsway unswayed } + { unswayable }
{ untoward } + { untowardly }
{ unus } + { unused }
{ unwilling } + { unwillingly }
{ unwitted } + { unwittingly }
{ uprous } + { uproused }
{ use used useful usefulness uses using } + { usefully }
{ useless uselessness } + { uselessly }
{ usurp usurpation usurped usurper usurpers usurping usurps } + { usurpingly }
{ utter utterance uttered uttering utters } + { utterly }
{ vacant } + { vacantly }
{ vain vainness } + { vainly }
{ valiant valiantness } + { valiantly }
{ various } + { variously }
{ vast vastness } + { vastly }
{ vaunt vaunted vaunting vaunts } + { vauntingly }
{ vicious } + { viciously viciousness }
{ vigil vigilance vigilant } + { vigilantly }
{ virtuous } + { virtuously }
{ visible } + { visibly }
{ vivid vividness } + { vividly }
{ volubility voluble } + { volubly }
{ vulgar vulgarities vulgarity vulgars } + { vulgarly }
{ waggish } + { waggishly }
{ wan wanness } + { wanly }
{ wanton wantonness wantons } + { wantonly }
{ warm warmed warming warms } + { warmly }
{ watch watched watches watchful watchfulness watching watchings } + { watchfully }
{ weak weakness weaknesses } + { weakly }
{ week weeke weeks } + { weekly }
{ weep weeping weepings weeps } + { weepingly }
{ whoremaster } + { whoremasterly }
{ wick wicked } + { wickedly }
{ wil wilful wilfulness } + { wilfully }
{ wild wildness wilds } + { wildly }
{ will willed willing wills } + { willingly }
{ winter winters } + { winterly }
{ wist wistful } + { wistfully }
{ wit witness witnessed witnesses witnessing wits witted witting } + { wittingly }
{ woman } + { womanly }
{ wonder wondered wonderful wondering wonderment wonders } + { wonderfully } + { wonderingly }
{ wondrous } + { wondrously }
{ woo wooed wooing woos } + { wooingly }
{ workman } + { workmanly }
{ worship worshipful worshipped worshipping worships } + { worshipfully }
{ wrath wrathful wraths } + { wrathfully }
{ wretch wretched wretches } + { wretchedly }
{ wrong wronged wrongful wronging wrongs } + { wrongfully } + { wrongly }
{ year years } + { yearly }
{ young } + { youngly }
{ youth youthful youthfulness youths } + { youthfully }
{ zoolog zoological zoologically } + { zoology }