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Downloading flickr CSV Logs

Jenny has a flickr account - since moving to New Zealand we've uploaded many photos so family and friends back in the UK can see what we're up to. It also makes a good off-site backup of the photos. I'd prefer a FOSS solution, but it seems nobody has yet done "identi.ca for photos".

If you have a flickr pro account, you can download historical logs in CSV format, but only until June 1, 2010 Noon PDT. There are two CSV files per month (daily and monthly referrers) so if you've been a member for a while it's tedious to download them all manually. However, there's a simple API to get the URLs so I wrote a short Python script to download them all.

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Posted in flickr by Olly Betts on 2010-05-24 18:09 | Permalink
